7 Tips To Sleep Better

7 Tips To Sleep Better


Spending nights tossing and turning around on the bed can lead to unproductive days. When your body does not get the rest it deserves, it can immensely affect your mental and physical health. Lack of sleep can take a severe toll on your daytime energy, productivity, emotional balance, and even your weight.

However, you are not doomed to spend your whole night counting sheep. It is often the things of waking hours that messes with your sleep quality. Think about your work schedule, eating habits, and household chores; any of these things can be problematic. While you may not be able to control all factors, there are specific steps you can take for better sleep.

  •  Prepare and stick to a sleep schedule.
Try sleeping and waking up at the same time every day to set your body’s internal clock and optimize the toptimizety of your sleep. Even on weekends and weeknights, try to limit the difference in your sleep schedule. Choose a time when you feel most tired so that you don’t have to spend your time tossing and turning around. After doing it for some time, your circadian body rhythm will automatically adjust to this schedule giving rise to refreshed, energenergizedings.


  • Pay attention to what you eat and drink
Your eating habits play a crucial role in how well you sleep, especially in the hours before bed. Don’t go to bed hungry or even stuffed. According to the National Sleep Foundation, don’t eat heavy meals 2 to 3 hours before bedtime. However, if you are hungry, try a light, healthy snack at least 45 minutes before sleeping. Also, cut down on sugary foods and refined carbs that trigger wakefulness at night


  • Include physical activities in your daily routine
Exercise is considered one of the best science-backed ways to improve your sleep and health. People with severe insomnia can immensely benefit from exercise as compared to drugs. According to Harvard Healthular aerobic exercise like brisk walking, swimming helps fall asleep faster, promotes restorative sleep and ,limits disturbance. However, avoid being too active close to bedtime as it can hinder sleep.


  • Optimize your sleep environment

Create a room environment that promotes sleep. Canadian sleep society suggests a quiet, dark space with a cool but comfortable temperature and minimal clutter. Also, Melatonin, the hormone that helps you sleep, is released during darkness and exposure to light often hinders its production.


  • Reduce daytime naps

Sleeping in the daytime confuses your internal clock, making it difficult for you to fall asleep at night. However, if you feel like taking a daytime nap, it is advised to limit yourself to 30 minutes and avoid doing it later in the day.

In a nutshell, sleep is good and crucial. To actually live a life with happiness and wholesomeness, you need to stack yourself eight hours of sleep at least. No matter where you are or what you are up to, try to ensure that your body gets the rest it deserves. Just like everything else in your life, it’s time to prioritise sleep!


  • Relax before bed

    When your bedtime approaches, switch off all the screens 30-60 minutes prior and focus on relaxing yourself. Try mindful breathing, meditation, gentle stretching or yoga, or even listen to soothing music to reach a calming state. In addition, you can also take a warm bath, shower, or foot bath to relax.


    • Take Melatonin sleeping products

      Melatonin is a hormone produced by the brain responding to the darkness regulating sleep. People who have trouble sleeping have less Melatonin in their bodies. They can increase its level by taking Melatonin products which are pretty famous for improving sleep. You can check out Napsomina sleeping products made with Melatonin that cure sleep disorders and boost immunity.

      In a nutshell, your lifestyle significantly impacts your sleep quality. So, if your priority is to sleep better and be more productive during the day, you need to incorporate the above tips into your daily routine.


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